The Problem
I find people today don’t listen well. They’re thinking about what they’re going to say instead of paying attention to what’s being said. And salespeople are the worst, as they’re trained to lead the conversation to “close” you on the one thing they’re selling. The problem is people aren’t just ‘one’ thing. In fact, on any given day, month, or year, they are many different things, and their needs change right along with them. So why in world would we think there’s only ‘one right way’ to address buyers or sellers’ real estate needs?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could find an individual that not only listened, but asked you the right follow up questions…because they listened! What’s better is they were personally experienced in all aspects of construction, renovation, lending, buyer/seller representations, contract law and creative finance? Most importantly, that same person listening to you…had made a proven career out of protecting the integrity of the folks he’d had the opportunity to speak with.
‘Ok, but how does all that make a difference in my situation?’, you say.